A word about the new Google-based mailing list

To our dear friends and family,

We now have a much better method of announcing a new entry to our travel diary which as you are probably aware is a Google product called Google Groups. You will not to do anything different than you used to do to read our entry – just simply click on the link of the entry to be taken directly there.  It is not necessary to have anything to do Google – period; it is simply a mailing list that only we can use to send a message.

A nice feature is you can easily unsubscribe from the automatic notification by clicking on the very bottom link.

We are still in Valdez and we haven’t seen the sun in two days and it has been raining all last night and all day today.  More rain is forecast for tomorrow!  We are cozy-warm in our house on wheels and just taking it easy in the damp 55 degree weather.

A soggy bye for now!